silence retreat

Silence Retreat

An Holiday for Body, Mind and Soul and A wonderful journey from Head to Heart!

Remove Stress • Improve Relationships • Boost Immunity • Profound Silence • Deep Meditations • Increased Energy

6-day residential format
Sign me up!

What is Silence Retreat?

Silence Retreat is a powerful combination of the Happiness Program and the Advanced Meditation Program which is best suitable for beginners on the path of spirituality. It is a perfect holiday one can gift themselves for their body, mind and soul with powerful breathing techniques, deep meditations and experience of deep rest in silence, in the wonderful journey from head to heart in the midst of nature at The Art of Living International Center, Bengaluru.

What will I get from this program?


Effectively Manage Emotions

Learn series of meditations and breathing techniques which can help you manage your emotions in better ways than how you could manage ever before.


Tools to effortlessly relax

Learn effortless ways of relaxation with easy guided meditations, pranayams and asanas which can be practiced everyday for greater health, focus, and relaxation.


Understanding the Mind

Master your mind and get a greater prospective of life. Practical, timeless wisdom will enables you to live a positive life and overcome negative emotions.


The Power of Breath

In the Silence Retreat, you will learn Sudarshan Kriya, a simple yet powerful rhythmic breathing technique that effortlessly draws you into a deep state of meditation and help you over come various types of stress, and bring you back to a clear and positive state of mind.


Experience of Absolute Silence

Silence in true sense is much more than not speaking. It is about giving a break to the chattering mind which gives way to renew ourselves physically, mentally and spiritually. Silence during the retreat results in deeper rest to our mind, body and soul.


Deep Meditations

A set of “Hollow and Empty” guided meditations created by Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar are the core part of the retreat during silence. These meditations are geared towards drawing out the deepest layers of stress and tension from our nervous system.

What does science say about Sudarshan Kriya™?

Over 100 independent studies globally published in peer review journals have demonstrated benefits such as:


Increase in six weeks



Decrease in six weeks

Stress Hormones


Increase in one week

Life Satisfaction


Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar

Gurudev Sri Sri Ravi Shankar is a global humanitarian, spiritual leader and ambassador of peace. He has spearheaded an unprecedented worldwide movement for a stress-free, violence-free society.

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I want to join but...

Who is eligible to participate in the Silence Retreat?

One must complete the age of 18 to be eligible for this workshop. Some techniques taught in the Silence Retreat are not suitable for pregnant women. A suitable alternative for pregnant women is the effortless meditation program called Sahaj Samadhi Meditation.

Persons having undergone major surgery within 8 weeks of the program starting date, and those with a seizure disorder, bipolar disorder, schizophrenia, or schizoaffective disorders, must consult with a physician and then participate in Silence Retreat. For such individuals, the effortless and highly effective Sahaj Samadhi Meditation program may be a valuable alternative.

Are there any side-effects to this technique?

An undying smile is the only side-effect! 🙂 The Sudarshan Kriya™ is practiced globally by millions of people every day with documented health benefits.

It is absolutely safe to practice our techniques. If you have a medical history of asthma, high blood pressure, heart problems, and back pains, we will guide you differently during the session.

Will this practice improve my health?

Yes, of course! Regular practice of the Sudarshan Kriya™ is known to improve sleep, boost immunity, and lower stress and depression levels. You only need to read these testimonials of people who have benefitted from the workshop. Be sure to let your teacher know your ailments beforehand so they can give you the best and most customized experience!

The program is residential. Would I get accommodation inside the campus?

The Art of Living International Center provides accommodation inside the campus and food in our dining facility for all the program participants. Accommodation facilities are available from dormitory to 2 sharing rooms, and accommodation costs will differ according to your preference, subject to availability.

Why do you charge fees?

Reason one, to ensure you commit your time to the workshop. Reason two, apart from teaching you essential life skills, your donation funds many service projects in India. For instance, sending 70,000 tribal children to school, reviving 43 rivers, empowering 2,04,802 rural youth with livelihood skills, and lighting 720 villages with solar lamps.

I have no stress. Why should I still join this workshop?

If you’re not stressed, great! You’re living the best life. But consider this: Do you start saving money only when you’re running out of it? Or start exercising only when you’ve lost your health? No, right? So how about building those inner reserves of resilience and strength for times when you could need them? But hey, it's your call. You could wait till you are stressed and this workshop will still be around to help you.

Am I not too old for this program? I am 65 years old. I don’t think I can sit through this.

The program is going to teach you techniques of breathing that will help increase your energy. You will enjoy deep rest through meaningful and insightful silence. The processes are natural and can only make you stronger and more resilient. No one is too old for this program.

The program talks a lot about silence. Am I allowed to interact with my family? What about electronic communication?

To get maximum benefit from the program, we would advise you to avoid texting and mailing and all kinds of verbal interactions as far as possible. The idea is to give you maximum time to delve deep within yourself as you discover yourself. It’s much easier than it sounds!

Is this meditation the same as Vipassana meditation?

No, the Silence Retreat is not the same as Vipassana meditation. The Silence Retreat experience is considered the most potent experience a person can have as the insights and depths you reach are life-changing. Research studies by various prominent institutes including All India Institute of Medical Sciences (AIIMS) have established that the techniques we follow help in achieving a state of mental alertness, better immune status, and better quality of life.

Can I repeat the program after participating in it before?

Many people enjoy repeating the Happiness Program, as they find, there is something new every time!

What are various amenities available in Art of Living International Centre

We offer round-the-clock internet and Wi-Fi access, accompanied by cafes, eateries, and restaurants serving healthy and hygienic meals. Furthermore, our establishment features stores providing groceries, jewelry, clothing, and other amenities.